Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Where Can I Sell My Pearls At

Widespread public apology

Yesterday, while reading the comments on our post in the forum of Mobi , we read a post by one of the partners, Mobibern :

"Bah, I realize that might seem who wants to shoot the red cross, it is not. But also read on considerations that do not agree with Marcos, a little 'annoys me.
Given that I liked the beers of Small Brewery and I cheered when the Bad Attitude has brought in a can (both for the idea, both because I believe that the container has advantages in terms of weight, conservation, ease of management, medium-term costs, product development, etc..), I was disappointed with the beers I've purchased Bad Attitude (4 cases) for me and my friends. Patience, it happens, no problem, I said to friends, do this to the producer who got there a lot and very busted swinging (including acid, possible infections: some think a bit of 'other suffered from sinks): in short, was a can Good (I must say, that they were really good ones) and two or three in our view with various problems (this is the proportion of those that we have open).
Besides, I thought, a small producer of quality also means a direct relationship with customers, with the base (and play it on Bad Attitude, by posting such beers in test at 20 beerbloggers Italian), and then there will be no problem .
months ago I already wrote an email in which he outlines the problems with education and I never had any answers: no, nicht, nada commander. And 'this is the attitude that we seek from microbreweries? Not me. I try what he described as a Sam Calagione Brewing up a business: maximum respect for those who believe in your project from the beginning. It is right and is also in your interest, commander. "

And what? right. We have received the mail, we printed and we put on the list of messages to answer. And there we forgetting.

We take this opportunity to report how we behave normally with complaints.
Complaints are lifeblood for a company, especially if transparency is a raison d'etre;
normally contact our customers who demand, if possible by phone, or at least a half mail.
For the first cans BAD Attitude we had three (3) reports of problems:
- a by Matthew Tonazzi who received the goods en route to the fault of the carrier.
- one by Augusto Brusca complained that he had placed an order which we have taken.
- one from Andrea Bernardi.

In the case of Matthew we called to apologize and we returned the money received.
In the case of Augustus, after we apologized, we sent a sample tribute to mark the assumption of guilt. The project cans this summer has had a change of direction and the results will be published shortly.
Andrea's case is the result of light from us. However I would like to say how Andrea had been contacted by us to a problem of a formal, and only the second contact of ours said to us, complaining about the problem. Moreover asked nothing in the mail, which we enclose, and only reported the inconvenience.

Now a company responds and re-casting serious damage. We
wrong. Let us fine and we contact Andrea today to ask how we can fix (apart from sending a money order for compensation, what we do immediately).
Three problems in one year, 33% of crap about these issues, a company that takes care of its own mistakes. Not exactly an optimal situation but we are working to improve.

Mobibern Caro, aka Andrea Bernardi, you're right to be outraged. It is from the end of September that you would expect at least a couple of lines on our part and we have not made contact. Then publicly confess our carelessness, and we guarantee that we will forgive. Meanwhile
accept our apologies.

ps: At this point, given the disproportionate reaction to some members of Mobi and to protect our image, we will enable everyone to post, they are not moderate, but we ask that those comments be identified. This also to avoid the risk of complaints and comments from Troll (Paul X you ears ringing?)


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