Monday, February 7, 2011

Praktica-b-mount Converted To Pentax K Mount

Bad Attitude Independent Brewery

The question of what craft beer is now on the agenda for a long time. It holds forth whether the product or process to qualify the craft, other times you refer to the quantities produced or number of employees. In fact, the word craft now no longer has any meaning, even more so since someone has deliberately clear the beer industry ferrying some ill-advised in the gilded world of beer brewing industry.

Now place that is not true that the equation states that the beer industry is urine and that the craftsmanship is good regardless, I feel the need to return on the subject.

The word artisan is now like the skin of the "Belinus the" you can pull anywhere you want: it covers everything.
autogrill you can see a sign with the words "brioche made with traditional methods and because they are frozen products that are heated (cooked) at the time of consumption, produced by medium to large companies, I do not see what it represents in that case craft but a Marketta.

The ice cream is now a distant memory: most of the artisans producing ice cream made from ad hoc basis in fact often used by large ice packaged products from companies far larger and procedures "manual" and made with much less art.
I find it difficult to find common ground between the micro breweries that can help you find a summary about which redefine our world.

The ability of micro breweries to ensure that the beer comes to the most is linked to the world of distribution. In Italy they are saying some important players, in some cases linked to the group of brewers used, they can do the fortunes of the Craft brewers. It 's the case of the so-called triad which at present represents a moloch able to determine the success of many of our colleagues.

's industry is very well equipped in the distribution sector and in addition adds the ability to feed the local operators with benefits provided at the expense of their freedom of choice. The contracts to be signed in front of which is guaranteed them the use of facilities and communications equipment on loan free of charge to a sort of sign which are excluded from micro breweries.
Last but not least the tendency of industry to create pseudo-craft beers to contain the advance of micro breweries.

Some breweries (micro breweries? Craftsmen?) Overseas in size when compared to our micro embarrassing. Some of them produce beer at other installations (see the case in Brooklyn that I think is produced at Amarcord for the Italian market) and others are building plants in Europe. In practice and have attitudes to industry size. Yet are compared with our micro.

The communication of our world continues along alternative channels, in particular events and web 2.0. The ability to organize events and tastings are offered to micro some fairs where the costs are often not covered by revenue. As another alternative, the tastings are made by enthusiasts in the local authorities (very few), or the brewers themselves when they get the chance. However, not having the ubiquitous they can take part only in some of these initiatives and the communication potential is reduced. Some, however, rely on skilled arts Kuaska that promises to bring them up in the Italian craft beer. Apart from that I do not like the style of Guru (not really love the Guru, in general, especially when you stand in messiah), the potential expressed by the latter, for a fee for Marketta made is limited, partly because the word that these spread is not as clear and unambiguous, having he ends meet, has to do equal service to micro and triad, representing a gun is important to be able to manage time and investments.

However, although this is not the ability to communicate through him remains one of the little things.
The existence of an Italian movement of craft beer seems to be represented by the association of consumers MOBI. Their efforts are commendable at times, more often not effective. Faced with a widespread presence in the area, the feeling, reading their forum is that it actually Mobi longer a group of fans that consumer representatives. The feeling I had when I was part of is that their activity is mainly to report and comment in the forum birrofila life of Italians (at least those in their Associates). I think consumers should have a combination of other styles and other forms of representation. Personally I have found as the main forum is a place of pleasant cazzeggiano and a place for spam markettaro by certain pro-and especially of the Guru who uses it to publicize its activities.

I think the bitterness with which they are often commented errors or misdeeds of chicchesia is the daughter of the above needs to appear certain of its founders, David in the first place.
The battle made by these prices is not a battle but a battle aware of manner. I strongly believe that the Italian craft beer costs too much but just say that the cost is too high without having to open a discussion table with the pros to understand how you create the cost of the bottle to the store is a battle for its own sake that has no meaning other than to allow them to criticize and stand as champions of nothing.
I dare say that if today the world of micro breweries is in trouble is the responsibility of the attitude of MoBI that instead of supporting the motion and compensate the support with a critical attitude towards pro, only to support the thesis front on issues of little importance (see the initiative clearly labeled) or with little knowledge of the dynamics that govern our world.

BAD Attitude We abandon the words beer, because now no longer made any sense.
I think the beer industry is not "the exact same drink" as someone said, the attitude that the industry towards the production process is the same whether it's beer, Camping tables or bolts. That's for me the beer industry is a bolt, and I am not referring to the quality (you have to be good at making beer that costs a shit, not everyone), but the attitude towards the product.
beer micro brewery is different not necessarily better or worse when considered in whole, just different. Arrival to say that it's real beer.

Zeman To quote (from memory I could be wrong) "the result is the variable that matters is performance." The passion and dedication, combined with skill is hoped that any craftsman puts in his work are worth more than minor differences found in the product which in fact they often represent some of the value added.
addition, the craftsman does not sell services or gadgets but deals only with supplying beer to the front of the asking price in which the component is limited to the marketing effort to convey their story and not trying to create a need.
Now Bad Attitude waiver attribute "craft" taking for granted that we are artisans, and prefer to talk about us as brewer INDEPENDENT .

independent of industry, independent of the large distribution groups, independent of the guru (or messiah, if you prefer), independent of Mobi.
Our beer is now available in Italy through a network of independent distributors who work with us and with us share a passion for this world, competent and willing to accept the challenge of real beer against the bolts.



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