Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Colour Goes With Brown And Black

Our week of craft beer

is the second time in a few days when we have to thank Andrea for a Turkish initiative. On the other hand, speaking of craft beer in Italy without encountering Beer Chronicles or Mondobirra is difficult.

We have tried to interpret the of Craft Beer Week in the light of what we do. The first thoughts went to friends and such, we surveyed have responded promptly.

Faithful to the line, we wanted our week was made an encounter with people. We wanted to avoid, in agreement with Bienk, attitudes, basing everything solely on a discount off purchase: we preferred to help friends who allow us to offer the opportunity to those who wish, to taste our beer.

Our week of craft beer will see us working like that.

Bienk "Beer Messenger " (Viale Emilia, 18 - Pinarella di Cervia - RA) will offer to all those who will go to his house to go shopping by bike with a bottle of Bad Attitude to availability stocks.

Fabrizio " liquid " in Turin (Via Accademia Albertina 36), as a good beer geek, organized in collaboration with Mirco for "Bir & Fud " in Rome (Via Luca Valerio 41) in a tasting Direct Skype Marcos will provide some continuity in Torino. The date is Saturday 12 at 16.00.

The brother of beer "Marcos, Paolo Polli, will open Saturday 12 (21:00 to 02:00 hours) the third BQ at Via Alzaia Naviglio Grande 44. The event will also feature our twopenny, offered free to participants.

A double date Bologna: Marco's "Den Hop" (Piazza Azzarita 5 / A) will have on tap a keg of one of Bootlegger twopenny and that will be served in exchange for a donation towards Piazza Grande. Andrea de "The Nettles" (Via Mascarella 23) will have the opportunity to taste in preview the first crush of Kurt, served on tap. Again the beer will be served in exchange for a donation to Piazza Grande.

On February 10, Marcos will have the chance to present the full line Bad Attitude at the Circolo ARCI Pantagruel in Casale Monferrato (Via Lanza 28) during an evening in which the stories of Marcos Liquide will accompany the dishes chosen by our friends Katie and Lele.

This wants to be our contribution to the support of the world of craft beer and hope that more and more worth the axiom "The craft beer promotes the meeting between people."


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