Monday, February 28, 2011

Masquerade Bal Invitations

The new site

We just put online the new site

PS: It contains the correct information to Kurt.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Itching Skin And Gallbladder

inauguration of the new commitments from 28 February to 6 March 2011

Court In 120-55 Queens Blvd., Nyc


Rimini Giorno 2 Every year we wonder whether to be or not to Rimini.
For us it was not so.
The opportunity to have fun without having to make cash, being able to present to an audience so vast has prevailed over doubt.
From our point of view it was a great weekend.
We had great fun, even if the tiredness at the end prevented us from attending the evenings crazy about Alex. Now I'm too old. See your ability to sustain repeated drinking causes me some dismay and 'envy. I will refer to the first world championship rubabandiera (Alex warn you !!!).
Rimini Giorno 2 As usual beers do not taste of colleagues here and in any case I do not comment on it. But I must say that I breathed a new air, or rather old. I saw people who wanted to smile like in the early years of this adventure. It seems to me that our world is recovering a little of that lightness which had lost in recent years. The work done by Unionbirrai, so thank Simone Monetti representing all, has done his part to recover in this climate.
I was afraid a little meeting with the characters subject of controversy. I was afraid that the seriousness prevailed, that the world of the Web 2.0 world was mistaken for the universe. And instead I could
see how real life is another thing, as the meeting of people to help defuse tensions.
Rimini Giorno 2 course differences remain on various aspects of our world but I think we can find new energy to the world of birrrofili.
Rimini Giorno 1 I did not notice reverence and deference between the old and the new brewery, I felt alive and a universe full of excitement (I have given the banality). Of all
certainly meeting some "followers" of Mobi, which have the ability to make you feel contagious and an idiot at the same time one of the members of this world.
Thanks. With SR I've seen very happy, nice to meet Tyrser Camaschella and (irony of which I remain a victim every time I open my mouth).
Thanks to Terry, Putro, James, Max, Rosalba, Livingstone, Bienk, Ciocci, Darkav (sorry again), Charles and everyone else.
Rimini Giorno 1 Thanks to all those who, with a smile, have accepted my insanity.
am happy with the past four days.
And I make my own the words of SR:
Marcos is crazy!

PS: A special hug to Tony Manzi.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mount&blade Seriennummer Legal

calendar week 21-27 / 02/2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Larget Flatbed Scanner

Rimini Rimini Rimini

Heparin Conversion Ml To Units

Day 3 Day Two Day One

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valence Electrons In Clf2


always with the complicity 'of a thread and a needle ...... I found myself in Paris, and it' already 'passed one week ....
Indeed we were, 3 ricamine and their husbands, we give you a vacation in the city 'of the lovers, the period and' the right ...... you understand .... but .... for the fair We both dreamed sir! (Correct that if the husbands are sorbitol). And I do ..... I can not forget the digital home ...... but you can'???? you and I can not 'the first time ...... okay, amen. Fair
very nice, no more 'big Vicenza (I think) but rather very fullest embroidery of all types and styles, beautiful beautiful beautiful. Bella
but even more 'beautiful holiday spent by organizing and Vania with Delfina, Maurice and George for the company and the laughter that we have made and my husband Antonio is a great big thanks.
ohhhh we have to decide for other destinations is not it?
Purchases ....

nothing new if you do not ........

this delightful kit of wood with antique scissors, thimble and needle holders, made by a craftsman ........ I just tell you his ticket. (Not a site on the internet .... unfortunately! Or fortunately?)
say that .... to be repeated!

How To Prevent Mild Pectus Excavatum

Friday, February 18, 2011

Temperature Without Thermometer

Rimini Rimini Day Zero

Who Installs Prostart Car Starters

See you in Rimini

Okay ... agree ... four posts in four days they know they attempt to woo and capture your attention. Then there
tedium beyond.
I just wanted to show you a preview of where you stand waiting in Rimini.

We hope you like and above all that can come and visit.

you tomorrow


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Does Earnie Draw On Ist Of Each Month

Collective Beer

We thought about it a bit '.
was perhaps better to avoid post sessantotteschi tones ... but my age has prevailed over ALittaM feel. At the bottom or not Captain Hook. ... Sorry ... Ehmmm Marcos?
Ok then Saturday at 16.30 (we changed the time for not sovrapporci Beer of the Year Award) We look forward to the Hall Ravezzi 2 to Rimini to talk about beer and associated costs. We
to share with the greatest number of people in the way we work. The belief that doing business today must necessarily consider the customer as part of the project leads us to outing:
with this project we plan to share with everyone how is the price of beer.
In what way?
Well ... You do not want to tell you all now ....
See you in Rimini.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pink And Green Lines On Lcd Tv Screen

lately is what I do: instead of sewing or embroidery, with the hook in his hand I do all sorts of ... in the sense that I'm turning out shawls-scarves of all colors. .. This is the birthday of my friend Mary who is about to leave for Sardinia to visit her family, I've already delivered, and really liked it ... now I still have many birthdays, even those arrears of friends who wait .... that quiver and sisters .... but I can because it's a real pleasure crocheting on the couch in the evening ... without Sanremo ...

Spanish Essay La Playa

I'd rather be hated for who I am, Than loved for who I am not

Making Kurt Making Kurt is approaching the day when we can finally let you taste the new KURT cans. Then for
to share the path that we did we show some images taken during filling (yes, the fill us ...!) new cans.
Making Kurt Well ... I admit this is a Marketta to intrigue and make me want to come to Rimini to our stand to try and become KURT 4 days for all our GURU.
Making Kurt The Tasting Room does not want there, but we wanted to share with all of this preview and therefore do not receive KURT before the others.
In return we will be working for them on our return from Rimini. And with all due respect
Livingstone I admit here publicly: this is Guerrilla Marketing.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Are The Best Stereo Receivers


finally opens Monday, February 21, 2011.

Visit us in Bombieri Via Udine 34, Bracciano (Rome) at 16:30

A short calendar of events of the week and the next month.


Slogan Of Spicejet Airlines

One way kegs

Focusing solely on the product at times leads to losing sight of the beauty of doing business.
The implementation of production processes, as well as the best choice of packaging, are part of the fun.
The challenge is not just make good beer, we think we can tackle that challenge head on, but also to consider the option green between the variables to be taken into account.

The need to be open to new things, as well as essential for any company operating today, the challenge is even more beautiful. More beautiful because it makes the product we make is a bit 'also in the community: the environmental choices are a form of respect towards those who also purchase our products. And then we feel a responsibility to pursue high on new roads.
No worry is not the usual tin KURT pistolotto on which you can enjoy this weekend in Rimini, or the history of the bottles "poor" but lighter.
Today we affirm that all products BAD Attitude take account of the green component .
This year we decided to distribute our beer in kegs to lose 100% recyclable cardboard and PET. These drums will save transport important with regard to the impact on the environment due to lighter weight and the fact that they must not return to the factory, we can significantly reduce release for the atmosphere of CO2.
IMG_2874 Bad Attitude Craft Beer Furthermore, the choice of these drums that work like a standard steel frame and we preferred to those with the inner bag, will enable any Local Pub or who wants to try our beer, not having to change the 'system, as with drums lots of different suppliers.
is now more than six months we're doing tests with these drums and we are proud of the result.
From Rimini KURT in the trunk, and the other BAD Attitude will be served in disposable drums.
Another small step for which we are proud.

Riker Island Visiting Schdule For December

New Logo

Friday, February 11, 2011

Trichomoniasis Wont Go Away

Come As You Are

Kurt Let's go back to beer.
Before coming to work is necessary to assume the entire production process.
In this case we need to rethink the whole project 'beer cans. "

Throughout the project there was something that we do not meet: beer beer cans must be a simple, slim and low alcohol content. A beer 8% alc. was not really suitable for a drink 'informal' but for which the product in a can seems made. At the suggestion of
Matte Robyrraio and decide to try to make a pale ale. Sincerely, Matt would have liked it a lot in UK style. Luckily we were able to divert a bit from the idea original. However, Matt has brought the recipe, thanks to his experience in the UK.
Kurt Which mortar used had no doubts: Maris Otter is our favorite.
At this point, which hops? We tried various types from all'EKG Fuggle, through the now very well known Cascade and Amarillo. Eventually we came to New Zealand hops, because of a mistaken delivery of our "dealer" that instead of sending the Nelson sent us a different set of "herbs" pleasant. At the end
Riwaka and Motueka have been chosen.
Finally, after some testing we came cooked to the recipe, finally we are presenting today in Bologna LORTICA in preview and will be proposal to Rimini in cans and drums for all those who want to come and visit us.
While the Brewers were working, ALittaM has prepared the graphics of the new cans.
The original project was born with Nevermind that soundtrack. It was a bit 'our motto: if we had room for doubt that we had the possibility of success of a craft beer in a can we'd never left. And then we took (yes, I confess, downloaded from the web via torrent) Nirvana's entire discography. And we decided to call Kurt. The result
we like very much. BAD Attitude is enough and they do not deviate too much from last year. Meanwhile

But we had to leave the sleeve with which we launched the first cans, and above all we had to find a proper fill line and especially greater than we realized.
Kurt At Nuremberg, we could not follow the various awards because of the European Beer Star committed to finding a supplier able to meet our needs. We've finally found a supplier of cans but especially those who have made our line.
Yes, because our cans there to fill us. The entire production process from brassaggio the packaging is done by us. And we are proud. For now, even with our line, but by June with the new line is completely Automatic.

The beer is lightly filtered using a process that we are now able to guarantee lasting respect for and quality of the product

And last month we went to start printing the new cans. This time no more than aluminum. The result ... the judge in Rimini.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Csr Bluetooth Not Detected In Windows 7

BAD - Craft Brewery

Many of you will wonder what happened to the project 101ers, born during the Revolutionary Beer Challenge last December 5. The IPA and Fabrizio Meregalli Polvara Luca, winner of the competition, is not forgotten. Last week we had our first meeting with the winners and we decided how to proceed.

It seemed that the establishment of a new beer would be an opportunity to allow everyone to take a look at how a draft beer. We therefore decided to open the brewery to anyone wishing to take part in this project.

Today, after the controversy over price transparency, consumers, producers, etc., etc., we gave further meaning to the project. Anyone who wants to join to take part in the whole creative process, from conception of the recipe, in collaboration with Luca and Fabrizio, the implementation of the beer, led by Matte and Robyrraio, the definition of packaging, with ALittaM, and last but not least , the definition of costs and sales policies the product made with Marcos.

The release 2.0 of the draft will be presented in Rimini on the occasion of beer selection, on February 19 at the hall Ravezzi 15.30. Blogger, homebrewers and enthusiasts, and pain in the ass fancazzisti are welcome.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Much Do Mandap Stages Cost?

a fete en amitiƩ ...

.... a fil, a aiguille e. .. a cafe!
friendship born with the complicity 'of a thread, a needle and softened by the cafes'.
is what I stitched and built to Vania that birthday today.

She / he spoiled us when it goes on show Lunches are eaten in Vicenza, but the coffee 'she thinks. Then I made this bag
to contain everything you need, cups, sugar, spoons and even .... correction ... the milk that you understand ??!!!!

hour delivery will be 'done by hand e. ..... in Paris!! Well yes' tomorrow we fly to the French capital ..... who knows' why .......