Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Delete Call History On Uverse Box

again .....

sal! stages of January!
sal UFOs tralaline organized among us, recently proposed by Angela .... honestly did not think to get into that circle .... I UFO ....??? macaroni 'embroidery all along the way and instead ..... I had this blanket for only three years, started and forgotten in the drawer of the desk. An accomplice afternoon attack Claudius (eheheh we have that too ...) in place here that drawer that very timidly calls me ..... poor thing!
white plaid wool braid interleaved with a strip of aida. So armed with holy (but with a capital S) patience I began to stitch.
have now arrived here

taking into account that every heart will have 'its like this ricamino
street ..... a lot ..... I have not?

goes well, a cross after another .... I will arrive 'at the end ..... but then ... I will use it?? White ...... we'll see.

complicate this my strawberry embroidery ......

yes, this year I changed the wires and tin accomplice Anna gave me this cap cover with strawberries (as well as a delicious jam .... over. .... unfortunately) I said, this year my jar will be called 'just strawberry.
said that an accomplice to the embroidery done with the plaid wool dmc colbet,

I have a discreet "booty ".!!!

else is brewing in the coming days I will let you 'see.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Is It Illegal To Sleep With Your Shoes On


Gateway Sometimes when commitments from brewer to make a beer you come across often in the dilemma of how to define your creature.
know that he wanted to have a beer with that profile, with those ingredients, but the stories they tell and how to understand it? And what is the point of proposing a beer like that?

How to understand what you wanted to do? And in these conditions and deep thinking will never find the idea that can express the meaning of your work.
Then something happens that you or someone enlighten. Sometimes it is a match, sometimes it happens on the way to work and curse the shit that you cross the road suddenly. Other times it happens in the heat of your office while fuck sites birrofili.
I have to thank Andrew for his Turkish post on the "first time" in which he spoke of gateway beer.
The word began to commit my thoughts. The gateway concept is exactly what I was trying to express the sense of the new beer that we did: Kurt .

Gateway. I started to think about when something struck me, when something had meaning in my life. And I thought
Sometimes the gateway is a bang, a door that opens into your brain, making their way through your thoughts, guided by the senses, making you feel like a child before the universe the world, a world that you did not see.
Other times the gateway is a simple moment of awareness, as suggested, light, leaving a doubt, a new flavor, like a sunrise, like waking up after a hangover, when they begin to see. As the morning coffee. A good morning, a stroke while you're half asleep. After that starts the day.
And a delusion is made off in me.
In reality, life is a continuous succession of gateways. We not only have a moment of awareness. This acts to quantum leaps or small steps.
Tram are born with the imprint of the parents and the culture that we acquire in the course of our lives is that of the school, work, the tasks of days are always the same.
Occasionally a bang or a jet take us out on; surprise us or make us more aware of the curious.
I believe that each of us can identify various stages of this type.
In music, literature, people, everything that is our life. The gateway can
be a transversal concept but also vertically.
My first cane me are done with a guy in Milan, Mario Mane. A person who would never see, but then I remember all the feelings, curiosity, fear and above all his prophecy " people like us end up living under bridges " that probably in the throes of a delirium. But those words, even today as carved in my mind, and I'm afraid but I recognize myself in them.
Dharma bums On the Road Kerouac was the book that made me what I am today, the Weather Report and Jaco Pastorius was an epiphany in the field of music (to the point of me led to give to my son's name Pastorius). Following
other books, other people, other musicians, other experiences have led to bifurcation in my life representing as many moments of light, some other milder absolutely intrusive, devastating.
In music I think of Kurt Cobain .
not always and not for all the calendar is the same.
The epiphany is not always January 6, not for everyone. Nirvana I discovered years after their arrival and I have never left.
The manner in which occurs the gateways are different and new every time. Life is a series of pauses in-depth where we savor the taste of the discovery of new life to the next gateway which is a new renaissance. From
brewer I often thought how it was developing the relationship with the people who approached the craft beer.
What is my role?
What do I do then for those who drink my beer?
And my beer can be considered bang or are not quite light breezes that accompany moments of meeting people? Who are they? What can I give to them again?
Who I talk to my stories, my follies? For the fans who want to be surprised every time or there is the chance to win other people to the cause of real beer?

Marcos The concept of a gateway for me today, is represented by this challenge. Making simple beer (I do not always necessarily be clumsy) that can be drunk by anyone and they know when they meet virgin palates meet, without necessarily thinking about the cognitive aspect by proposing a beer that quenches thirst and who knows how to tell me something and maybe something bringing it to light the drinker wakes curiosity, of consciousness. A short

Here's hoping that Kurt would be this, a beer simple, easy, honest person who can help to address the challenge of comparison with the beer industry.
Conquering the cause as many people as possible is the challenge.
Thanks Andrea.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Invitation Card For Walima

Sampling Kurt

Tasting Kurt a month of absence from the blog as he could seem like a long pause for reflection. In fact we brought the project forward in 2011. Inspired by our guru, whom we thank, we put the hands of recipes drawing on their claims (and we hope to have refined our products as well - thanks again).

While Marcos redefined the general lines of the "beer cans, and Alexandra produced the new graphics, Matthew Robert Eugen Arts and administering the tests and the consequent production samples of the new Pale Ale: Kurt.

Soon we will update you on developments of the project, and our 20 Guru will have something new to try. In

Meanwhile we show you some pictures of the various phases of work (so we can demonstrate that we were not with our hands).

Tasting Kurt

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cervix Was Low And Hard Pregnant

Flakes birth

Soon in 2011 to give birth to beautiful babies that will bring joy to their families and I would attend to their happiness, sewing a staple is original and unique just like the child or the child which he wants to announce the birth ... That's why I decided to join in a post and then in a category on the left side of the blog, all the bows that I made so far, so you can inspiration and maybe someone can also write me to find out more 'and order her ....

Friday, January 21, 2011

How To Quickly Thaw Sausage

Sal ....

new! sal new year again!
Pochette Shiraz Atalie, sal organized among us tralaline scheme divided into 8 stages per month.
here is the first step

and a picture more 'closely

and' a very smooth and embroidery .... I found it hard to put it but ....... another clutch waiting for me!

this month in advance to show that too sal
Home Sweet Home
the stage here in January
and a picture of all the embroidery

lacks little, just the heart!

and for this I breached the term sal.
was December 21 and beyond everything I had to embroider the fall but I have stitched the winter ....

but only 'cause for once I wanted to have the embroidery done in the right season!
these patterns are delicious, they have wonderful colors!
now a picture .... corner ...

and on the other corner

hours to expire March 21 with the last season ... autumn!

and now ... you, me and 'out of the turbo ..... or was in the needle in your arm?


Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Change Eminent Largage Lock

a new headquarters in Via Udine 34 Bombieri Bracciano (Rome). Saturday, January 22 at 15:30 we begin to clean the walls.


Below the map of the local

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Auditions Gropping

bad ..... Delivered

.... you are finished stitching these patterns.
Usually when it comes to the end of a desire to see it finished embroidery makes you speed up the needle and put the turbo, but ..... here ...... and I do not 'happen ... . I have enjoyed it point by point.

here's my Autumn Arbor

all the four seasons

waiting to be gored

now the winter, the first stage

spring, the second stage

the summer, the third stage

thank you very much for letting me know at Delfina and thank you to all my fellow needle!
