Friday, March 4, 2011

Chopey Motorcycle Antique

Happy Birthday .....

to Anna !!
yesterday was his birthday but me and not only that, I carried out last Sunday and we have made the party. Ok so
written 'knows' that seems ..... hehe. Sunday Niky , Delfina, Anna Vania and their spouses were guests in my home and the opportunity we had a triple birthday party. them 'as well as we celebrated Anna Vania and George. 3 perfect number! A Vania
I already 'showed what I gave to George ....... gift company' but ..... I have not photographed ......( but I? Forget that to use digital?) was a basket with local delicacies of Beekeeping.
Anna I have prepared this heart, or rather "The great heart of Anna" (Parolin)
embroidered with thread 343 Anchor

so 'beautiful and special as' what beats in his chest.

this time I have "adept" in a box with double bottom

Anna, with these herbal tea and I hope what they promise


the fabric to cover the box I bought in Paris at the fair ....(.. see that you were there?? )



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