Thursday, December 30, 2010

Beastman Vs Skeletor Cky

ALittaM Tokyo

Giappone were repeated in the months that everyone I met at Christmas you go to Japan.

And here I am finally here in Tokyo!

skyscrapers towering high, the streets glow signs, it is difficult to read signs and communicate with others just as complicated, the toilets have heated the axis, the people are sleeping on the subway, the glasses of beer are stored in a freezer (!), New Year's Eve you eat noodles in broth, taxi drivers have the white gloves and if you have a cold you get the mask.

And I learned it in the first two days. What will happen next week?

Giappone Giappone

Giappone Giappone

Monday, December 27, 2010

What Does A Meningitis Rash Look Like

Birthday ....

for Manu , love the style of Parolin, then do not like them ....

ricamina this set as she organized and '??

patterns taken from the desk set published in the journal house Chic special but adapted in the process, the series or get started with a clear idea o. .... poor me, I continue to change along.

I have not lost and that's 'already' important.
the calendars

pincushions, needles

needle holder, ruler and trovaforbice

a closeup of the box

Manu, lots of luck! !! today you are more 'young!!


Sunday, December 26, 2010

What Is 3/4 Of 36 People

Kitchen set for my sister Angela

A set of kitchen with four two potholders placemats and apron. Cloth bought Cucilandia Bologna and created by me and give it to my sister Angela.

Sock Hop Invite Wording

Placemats for my sister Joan

Four placemats for breakfast in the theme of autumn, I prepared to give to my sister Joan.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Board Games Wholesale

welding wires on the wire .... and ... best wishes! Ola

last stage of the welding wire on the edge of the seasons, organized by Pat that much, thank you!
(ohhh .... I recommend riproponilo neh! )

here's my jar where he wanted to be photographed

in the middle of my little thoughts ricamine Christmas to my friends, hoping that the Italian post office if they have not eaten anybody. However

to you all who pass here by accident or on purpose hope:

a Merry Christmas to you all and your loved ones

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Remove Atheros Drivers



Friday, December 17, 2010

Lulu Lemon Black Dance Bags

20 and award .....

Ola 20, I was raffled by Carmen and last Tuesday I received an envelope with just my prize:
20 grams of creativity '. Carmen Now you tell me how you get these ideas so 'cute!
here's what I got

a piece of linen, two skeins, portamatassine a ring, a heart and a star of Fimo.
addition to a greeting card very original but then Carmen '... Carmen!
hours ...... and 'a case which has been so' fast but I've used so '

nothing original but it should be so good, I say I am surprised about my promptness'. Thank

Carmen 'was a very welcome bonus!

another award this time received by Cristina (thank you Star!)

I do not respect the rules and all around you who pass by my blog.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mera Name Joker Hot Sean

And .....

..... do not tell me that I did not ... the puppet of snow !!!!!

level playing field and I also did the scarecrow in the winter version.
are not cute??

here is my embroidery for the association last Sweet Dreams, the fourth this year.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Radeon 9000u Family Graphic

The rise of the Guild The Guild of the Black Dragon goes

After two years, yesterday (Sunday, 12 December 2010) we have taken away our material from the back of comic books to arms: "The backpack practical Heward" .
You could say we want to do something more, to walk with our legs, stand out the big jump. Not only is this transfer and the reasons for this are varied and not all interesting.
A rethink on the day of its foundation (it was four) of the road but they have been applied This continuous transfer burn more than others.
burn more because we have never been so many and motivated as the last stage and burn that little remains of it.
We rented a room not far from the store, we believe we can pull up the least money to pay us rent.
The funny thing that I noticed yesterday, is that every time we leave the premises with half of the starting material and almost never wear too much :-) and oh well.
Put it this way: "travel light, we're going to hunt orcs! ( Aragorn)"

hello hello to the next

NB: read here is something due:

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How To Dress Big Boobs

17 / 2

triveneto Seventeenth meeting of the group, but for me it 's only the second ..... but now trouble to lose one.!
goal of this meeting 'was Villach (Austria) organized by Clare

this and' the first picture taken almost just got out. Clare had also purchased ... snow!
But to us who stops us?? Here we are walking the streets

festively decorated.
more photos you can see them here.
After snooping in some shops we walked into the restaurant where we ate some Austrian specialties, as well as good ..... with huge portions!

As with any gathering there 'the lottery, a wonderful habit.
that 's what I made I


and stuffed

won by .... Vania !

I, the fate in the hands of Helen, wanted I won this

beautiful box of Stella

filled at all points. (I assure you that the cookies are delicious ..... go on trust ... finished!)
thank you very much Stella, also at the rally in Brescia had won ... we will be your combined ???!!!
but not 'over here
these are the Christmas gifts that we exchanged

these are my

photographed with the raffle prize.
Then the usual photos

could not miss, here we stuck a piece of sidewalk and under a lot of flash .... we had our moment of glory!
we saw how beautiful and happy??

The evening we went to another restaurant, also in this giant portions and great food, near our room was a group that played dances .... an effort not to join them ... is not it? .. then cooked and packed we did return to the Hotel for a deserved rest.
The next morning, Clare took us to see the city 'of Welden (?) On the lake, a fairy-tale, looking at the houses on hills around the lake seemed schemes LHN ...... just to stay on the rally.
then Ahhhhhh ..... greetings and kisses before returning to the house.

what if, not that I miss already'???? every time you know a little 'more', I know your companions, this time you knew my family, always patient and well ........ available in short and 'more and more' like being among friends standing who meet for a cup of tea ....!
thank you so much more in the next ...... e. Clare!