Monday, December 28, 2009

Speech For Congragulation

I hope that you have a Merry Christmas to all, although I have not had time to wish you ... but there is still time to wish everyone a Happy New Year ... I really hope that the coming year is good, I'm tired of wars of aggression, people who tramples on the rights of others and all the ugliness that exists in the world, but I know I will be starting from me and my little world to make better new year to come, without waiting for peace to come from who knows where my hope is that all you look inside to find peace with themselves and with others ....

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bathrooms With Beige Vanities

Merry Christmas from the Guild of the Black Dragon

See you in 2010 and I highly recommend the registration fee for 2010.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Are People With Same Birthday Compatible

Christmas Christmas # 7 # 6 # 5

is my garland, indeed one of my wreaths because every year I make new ones, this model is based on Martha Stewart, I'll make more and more ..... and there she is on front door ..
The crib this year did Michelangelo, all by myself, although I have not given much space, he fared very well, now has some 10 years begins .... message with the phone, but basically it's still a softie ... to the delight of her mother ...
Finally some decorations always prepared by Michi on mobile dining room, next to In the middle of the TV .. you can see through the crib created for us by our dear friend Fadia, talented decoupage and also in the craft in general, covering quiltino Infant Jesus I sewed the last year thanks to the initiative of Linda with Quiltitalia ... In fact I have to prepare one for the crib of the photo above .... corrooooo ...
the way, the red stars of my Christmas wreath not of cotton, but the stuff used by florists for flowers, set aside over the years and finally used!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Iris 3000 Factory Reset Pin

to contain gifts, paper bags decorated with simple, or, who knows sewing a cloth bag with a decorative simple: take a piece of wire about 25 cm, a heart shape, close it with tape, rivestilo with a sling made from an old piece of cloth that does not use, the second round instead you do with a gold or silver ribbon, then simply attach the remaining end with glue caldo.Il staple to close is made up of two pieces of gold ribbon sewn on the upper edges of the envelope ..
Good job!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

How To Hack Bigfishgames Time Trial

Christmas Christmas Christmas

Good morning and good weekend! There are wonderful
these balls of cloth at Christmas?? The Vannalisa has made, blogger from a contagious smile, I just met through his friendship with the legendary Robert C. ScarpinediSveva of the legendary ...
recommend everyone to go and turn on their blogs because Vannalisa addition to this, offers tutorials and other wonders with Roberta inspires us more each day 'with his latest creations of pins and hats, crochet and Christmas cards for packages ... even last minute, they will find many ideas to make a good impression ....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tennis Racquets Price From 400 600

# 3 # 4 # 2 Christmas

... One of the first chores of Christmas 2009 with my son .. a house, cut and decorated with glitter ... this is a site to download a type of house, but we have drawn first on paper and cut into squares, not it is so difficult ..

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mount&blade Seriennummer Elegal

Get a coat hanger iron the laundry, fold, contorcila and turn it until it takes the form of a circle .. I succeeded with difficulty ... but then take an old white sheet and cut the strips long as you want and 12 cm wide, then cut again to get the stripes of the bands about 1.5 cm high .... Tie the clips one by one, the hanger and hold it tight to the knot as they ... when you finished, sew a white heart, and tie imbottiscilo see photo at the end .. a nice bow on the hook of the hanger that is ready to hang ...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Matsuda Eyewear 10103

Monte Cook speaks of Lucca Since 2009

Lucca Comics and Games

(lt's hard to even write the title of this entry without hearing the chorus of the song official of the convention in my head.)

What do you get if you take ComicCon, add in GenCon, and put them both in a beautiful Medieval walled city in Italy? Don't answer yet, because there's more. Fill it full of local citizens that actually embrace it and love it, and pepper it liberally with restaurants with the best food you've ever eaten. Now what do you have? Lucca Comics and Games, a 140,000 attendee convention that embraces all things geekly. It's really nothing like anything I've been to before. The convention basically takes over an entire small city in Tuscany, with the narrow streets of the city becoming the hallways and the open piazzas of the city (covered with massive pavilions) becoming the centers for events and dealers. Every shop in town has comics or action figures in the window or some kind of display to get into the spirit of things.

It's big, but that's not really what's so amazing about it. It's the warmth and fun of the people meshed with the beauty of the surroundings (and did I mention the food?).

Wednesday night before the convention started, Sue and I hung around while they built my showcase. This was a real honor for me--a massive glass cabinet (two actually) to display a number of the products that I've worked on over the years. The showcase was on display throughout the entire convention. We ended the day with a late dinner. Sue and I spent a lot of time that evening with another guest of the show, French boardgame designer Bruno Faidutti . It was great to get to know him.

On Thursday, I started the show by opening the roleplaying game tournament with a silly little presentation. Each day I had a signing at the Wyrd Edizioni booth, aided by my friends Elisabetta and Massimo. This was always a great time to meet a lot of Italian game fans. In the afternoon, I ran a short, simple little 2-hour game that we added to my schedule at the last minute. It went over really well and in retrospect, I wish there had been time to do more. Lots of people watched, and the players were all excellent. We had a translator on hand, but--although she was excellent--most of the time she wasn't entirely needed. The players' English was very good. (My Italian, on the other hand....)

Thursday night was an awards ceremony, where all the guests were given nice plaques and awards were given to various comics and games (and their creators). It would be tempting to compare it to the Origin Awards or the ENnies, but in truth it would probably be more accurately compared to the Eisners. A nice affair in a beautiful theater, with local government dignitaries and others in attendance. One weird moment of the night was when I discovered that I had actually won some of these awards in the past (for D&D 3E and Heroclix, although I wasn't given credit for Heroclix, as is often the case). I'm certain that the companies that published these games knew about the awards, and either didn't think enough of the award or the designers in question to even let me know. Probably the latter. But that's a topic for another day.

Friday's special event for me was a Roleplaying Game Design Workshop. A pair of translators were on hand and this time they were invaluable. The two-hour event went well, I think. I've done talks and Q&A sessions with a translator before and it's always challenging, mostly because you need to pace yourself to wait for the translator to do his or her job, but you don't want to break up your own flow and lose ideas and information. The convention even provided certificates for all the attendees, signed by me, at the end, which I thought was a nice touch.

On Saturday I conducted a very strange (to me) and challenging event in which I reviewed prototypes of games that people had designed. It's very difficult for someone to explain the ins and outs of their rpg in just a few minutes and its just as hard to provide meaningful feedback on what I see (or don't see). Add in a language barrier and the need for a translator in many cases and I'm not 100% certain that those that brought their games to me really got too much out of it, if I'm going to be honest. It's hard to both give and take advice in such a situation. But I enjoyed it, and I hope--at the very least--that they did too.

Sunday came and brought with it a speech and Q&A session. Again I had excellent translators at my side to help out. These kinds of events are not as big a deal at Lucca as they would be at an American convention, which was interesting because the signings in Italy were a bigger event than they would have been at a US con, I think. I certainly don't think I'd have a signing every day in the US and expect lots of people to show up each session. Maybe because it's a big comic book show, signings are more important.

Sunday night brings the convention to a close and with it an odd tradition. This tradition is rooted in the past, when a young gamer annoyed members of the staff to distraction and they ended up chasing him around and gave him a faux beating. Now, every year, this gamer (now grown up) hides at the end of the show and the staff seeks him out, chases him down, and pretends to beat him. Artists on hand draw sketches on his (prodigious) belly. And the subject, in true gamer geek fashion, loves every minute of all the attention. It's odd, but not a bad way to blow off some steam and have some fun at the end of the show. (Not being an artist, when asked to participate, I wrote a game rule on him rather than attempt a sketch. You do what you gotta do.)

Each night was a great dinner at one of the fabulous local restaurants. Both Thursday night and Sunday night were seven course meals in a banquet fashion. It's funny to me that at a US convention (game or business), you hear "banquet" and you think of some sad little cornish hen and some half-cooked vegetables. But this is Italy, so of course the food is absolutely mind-blowing. As the courses keep coming, you think, "surely I can't eat another bite," but then the next one arrives and it looks and smells so good and the next thing you know you've eaten it.

Even lunch, from what passed for the nearby "concession stand" was impressive. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't amazing, but it far surpassed the traditional hot dogs and nachos fare you get at any convention here. I guess what might be considered bad food in Italy would be halfway decent stuff here.

The gamers and fans at the show were similar in most ways to gamers and fans everywhere, of course. Except thinner and more stylish. The nerdiest, shlumpiest Italian geek has got nothing on his American counterpart. Lots of attendees, particularly teenagers, came to the show in costume. Probably about the same proportion as you'd find at ComicCon. We saw a lot of impressive costumes, most of them manga, anime, or video game influenced. Just like here.

Throughout the show, I did a lot of interviews for Italian magazines and websites, chatted with gamers, and hung out with the convention staff, but I also got to look around a bit. The Italian comic book market is extremely strong, with both American comics in translation and a wide array of cool-looking Italian comics as well. As for games, many were on display: board games, rpgs, and video games, with all the major manufactures in attendance. More interesting to me were the local sellers, however, with games I sadly could not read but enjoyed perusing nonetheless. Surprisingly, one booth was selling old D&D stuff (not translated) and offered the best selection of rare classic stuff for sale that I've ever seen all in one place. Not just the white box and its ilk, but the rare RPGA modules like the To the Aid of Falx and Investigation of Hydell, The Dragon #1, and so on. Good stuff. But they knew what they had and priced it all appropriately, which is to say, really high. And it wasn't just books. They had the old yellow plastic D&D wallet, the coloring books, merch from the cartoon, and more. Incredible.

Lucca was a great show in every respect. It's been going on since the early 60s, and the con staff is made up, in part, of people who came to the convention as little kids. Fun, well organized, well-developed, and well-supported, it's one of the best conventions I've been to. My thanks to Emanuele, Andrea, Silvia, Gabriele, Anna, Skippy, Antonio, Cristina, and all the others who put the convention together and treated us so well. Also thanks to Massimo, Elisabetta, Sonia, and Bice of Wyrd for being good friends and helping us with the signings, the game, and more.

And did I mention the food?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Navman Icn 520 Installation Cd

Blog Monte Cook


Sue I returned from our trip to Italy last Wednesday night. Neither the flight there nor the flight back was particularly pleasant (nine hours is a long time to be crammed into a small seat surrounded by crying babies), we both caught nasty colds there, and I couldn't ever seem to get onto a regular sleep schedule while there (and still can't). And the trip was still 100% worth it.

We had an amazing time. The weather, first of all, was really nice, with sun and temperatures in the 60s and 70s. The first three days we toured around Florence, seeing all the sites in the central part of the city, like the massive cathedral there (a Renaissance church so grand you would say it wasn't even built to human scale), the Palazzo Vecchio and its numerous statues, the Santa Croce Basilica, the Ponte Vecchio, a bridge covered with shops that have been in operation for hundreds of years, and a lot more. We saw a number of Michelangelo works, including the David, of course. It was a great trip for history and art.

After Florence we went to the walled city of Lucca. Lucca was a city of Medieval importance, but because it (thankfully, I'd say) decreased in strategic value by World War II, it suffered little damage, unlike the surrounding region. This means that much of Lucca looks just as it had long ago, making it picturesque--and challenging to get around. Lucca was where the Lucca Comics and Games show was held, a 140,000 person convention at which I was a guest of honor. But I'll write about that tomorrow.

Toward the end of the trip we went to Pisa and saw the infamous leaning tower. (As the folks from Lucca like to say, "Pisa's only claim to fame is a mistake.") The tower had just been renovated, so its white stone glistened--practically glowed--in the sun. The nearby cathedral, while not as large as its counterpart in Florence, was very impressive and very beautiful on the inside.

It's been difficult for me to write even those three paragraphs about Tuscany without mentioning the food. I'm no foodie, but even a pedestrian like me was blown away by each and every meal we had in Italy. I'd often find myself saying things like, "This is just a potato. How can a potato be this good?"

Thankfully, my tour director, Sue, likes to maintain an aggressive schedule on vacations, and so we did a lot of walking and stairclimbing to work off all the fabulous meals. (And to be fair, our schedule was likely not as aggressive as she Would Have liked.)

I'd love to go back someday. I hope someday to see Rome and Venice, and more.

Monday, November 9, 2009

How Do You Hang Garland?

Results and AT-43 ranking tournament

Here is the file of the AT-43 tournament. FILE

Dating, charts and crackers.

Death to the Cobalt and his friends Therians.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Best Sport Point And Shoot

The guild has the Black Dragon: AT-43 matches in Lucca in Lucca Comics 2009

the comics and games fair this year will also be present The Guild of the Black Dragon with the organization of a tournament game of miniature AT-43 Rackham Entertainment.

For more info please refer to the official website of the fair. Here .
For missions to be played in Lucca consult the website forum

Protouch Hair Dryer J C Penney


Friday October 30 and Saturday, October 31 we will be at Lucca Comics 2009.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Biscut Using Krusteaz Pancake Mix

The guild has the Black Dragon: AT-43 Tournament

I urge all members of the AT-43 tournament to go to the store and give his availability for the days in which to play.
E 'need to fix the dates of the fighting to make sure that there is the availability of an arbitrator.

mortacci Thanks to everyone and how strong the Cogs

Friday, October 16, 2009

What Chemical Is In Preparation H

New video game for Ken

Here the video without sound, unfortunately.